Grand Lodge of Washington F. & A. Masons

Office of the Grand Secretary,
Olympia, Washington, January 15, 1906
John J. H. Sercombe Esq.
Worshipful Master
Kennewick Lodge U.D.
Kennewick, Washington

Dear Sir and Brother:

In response to a petition, signed by yourself and other Brethern, and upon the recommendation of Yakima Lodge No. 24.

MW  -  Abraham L. Miller, Grand Master of Masons in and for the State of Washington, has been pleased to grant to you and associate petitioners a Dispensation to open and hold a lodge at Kennewick, Benton County, Washington, under the name of Kennewick Lodge upon the conditions and restrictions set forth in said instrument, which is here with transmitted to you.

This Dispensation in your hands is your ample authority to convene your Brethern, as a Regular Lodge, in a securely tiled place, or hall, and to open your lodge in form; reading and proclaiming this dispensation as your authority for so doing. To complete your organization, you will appoint a Secretary, Treasurer, Deacons,
a Tyler, and such other officers as may be required; adopting such By-laws and Rules of Order, not in conflict with our Grand Lodge Constitutional Regulations, as will best subserve the purposes of your lodge government, and advance its best interests.

A copy of our Laws and Regulations will be sent and the same is committed to your charge, the provisions of which we feel assured will be duly observed and respected by the officers and members of your Lodge respectively. And when your organization is fully completed, please make report thereof to this office, giving a full list of the officers chosen.

Very truly and fraternally yours,


Horace W. Tyler
Grand Secretary


Hall of Kennewick Lodge F. & A. M., U.D. January 23, 1906.

Whereas a dispensation has been received from Abraham Lincoln Miller, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, granting a dispensation to open a Lodge of Masons in this place, and whereas sufficient and proper lodge room has been secured for the said purpose. Now then for in pursurance to the authorites of the said dispensation, which is in words and figures as follows to wit:

Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Washington.

To all the Fraternity, Greetings!

Whereas, a petition has been presented to the undersigned, Abraham Lincoln Miller, Grand Master of Masons in and for the State of Washington, from a constitutional number of brethern to wit; John J. H. Sercombe, Christian A. Anderson, John W. Herveston, August E. Timmerman, James B. Clements, Charles Conway, Wellington A. Harris, James Johnson, Volney B. Cox, Ebb D. Sheffield, William F. Anderson, Hamilton M. Bartlett, Joseph M. Anderson, James F. Perry, Fred L. Watson, George H. Roe, and Carl Vertrue.
Who have been properly vouched for, and recommended as Master Masons in good standing, setting for that, having the honor and prosperity of the craft at heart, they are desirous of establishing a new lodge at Kennewick, in the County of Benton and State of Washington, under our Masonic jurisdiction, and requesting a Dispensation for the same; and whereas, there appears to us good and sufficient cause for granting the prayer of the said petitioners, we, by virtue of the power in us nested by the Constitution of our Grand Lodge and the Ancient usages of the Order, do grant this, our Dispensation, empowering, authorizing and appointing Brother John J. H. Sercombe to act as Worshipful Master; Brother Christian A. Anderson to act as Senior Warden; and Brother John W. Herveston to act as Junior Warden, of a Lodge to be held under our jurisdiction at Kennewick, by the name Kennewick Lodge, and we further authorize the trusty and well beloved brothern aforesaid to admit, enter, pass, and raise Free Masons according to the Ancient Constitutions of the Order, the customs and usages of the Craft, and the Rules and Regulations of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Washington.

And it shall be their duty, and they are hereby required to return this dispensation with the correct transcript of all proceedings held under authority of the same, together with an attested copy of their By-Laws, to Our Grand Lodge aforesaid, at its next Grand Annual Communication, for examination, and for such further action in the premises as shall be deemed wise and proper.

And this, our Dispensation, shall continue in force until the next Annual Communication of our Grand Lodge, aforesaid, unless sooner revoked by me, or by the authority of the Grand Lodge.

In Testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand, and caused the seal of our Grand Lodge to be affixed, at Olympia, this 6th day of January A.D. 1906 A.L. 5906.

(Seal )                                                  Signed - Abraham L. Miller


Grand Master of Masons
In and for the jurisdiction of the State of Washington

Attest:                                                             Horace W. Tyler

Acting Grand Secretary