W. Brother Murrell Fournier was born on August 20, 1915, in Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada, and was raised on December 20, 1944, in Century Lodge #208. He is a charter member of Exemplor Lodge #28 in Seattle, Washington. W. Brother Murrell come to Kennewick in 1962. He affiliated with Kennewick Lodge #153 on December 5, 1973, and was installed Worshipful Master on December 27, 1980.

February, 1981
Brother Don Minnoch addressed the lodge on “George Washington, the Mason."

March, 1981
R. W. Brother C. Don Brons, Junior Grand Warden, spoke to his own lodge on topic, "His Work Was Not Done, But His Column Was Broken."

March 7, 1981
Grand Lodge opened and proceeded to lay cornerstones of Sunset View Elementary School and Tri-City Vocational Center. This was the fourth time a double cornerstone laying has occurred in Kennewick. 1. February, 1977, Fire Station, Senior Citizens' Center; 2. Desert Hills Middle School, Family Health Center; 3. October, 1978, Canyon View Elementary School, Southgate Elementary School.

April, 1981
Special night in history of Kennewick Lodge as we honored one of our most distinguished members, Brother Jay Perry. Proclamation from Mayor designating April 15 as "Jay Perry Day." Resolution from County Commissioners presented to honor his very special service to his city, county, and state. Many members responded on the special way Bro. Jay enriched their lives. Letter from Bro. Henry Jackson (Washington State Senator) was also read.

May, 1981
M. W. Brother Wayne Sparger, Grand Master, spoke to lodge members, their ladies, and 21 Past Masters. He gave a splendid talk on "History of Kennewick Lodge and Masonry in Washington.”

September, 1981
R. W. Brother George Bordewich, Deputy Grand Master, spoke to lodge members on Special Reports of Grand Lodge.
R. W. Brother Don Brons spoke to his home lodge and reported M. W. Brother Fred Sandoz is improving following surgery.

October, 1981
V. W. Brother at Butterfield, Deputy of Grand Master District 23, paid his official visit to our Lodge.

November, 1981
About 50 in attendance for potluck and program for Widow's Night. Most W. Fred Sandoz was guest speaker.

Total raised - 10