Wadus B. Tate was Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1980. He has been very active in the affiliated Bodies of our Order and he is a millwright by profession. Holder of Grand Cross for Rainbow.

September, 1980
The dues were raised to $25 effective January 1, 1981. Initiation fees were raised to $100. Lodge was very busy with degree work, 64 degrees conferred. A committee was appointed to start working on the 75-year anniversary of the Lodge.

October, 1980
Widows Night - 4 pins presented.

November, 1980
Ed Hull was presented with a twenty-five year jewel. Nineteen Past Masters in attendance to hear V. W. Brother Don Hobbs speak on the "Jewels of a Past Master."

December, 1980
W. B. Jay Perry unanimously elected as Honorary Past Master of Kennewick Lodge #153. Worshipful Master presents "Past Masters Badges" showing the year they were Worshipful Master, in addition to name and lodge number.

Total Membership, December 1980 - 399.