J. F. Moore was Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1976. He was born in Denison, Texas. He operates an electrical business. He served on Grand Lodge Credentials Committee and active for several years with DeMolay.

January, 1976
V. W. Brother Charles Conrad talks on our 200th anniversary and the importance of Masons to the Revolution. It was urged that Lodges and Master Mason fly the flag during the Bicentennial year.

March, 1976
M. W. Brother Alden H. Jones, Grand Master, visits our lodge, and spoke on the original plan of Masonry. V. W. Brother Howard Whitbeck presented with a fifty-year jewel. V. W. Brother Toby Johnson of Seattle was a guest speaker.

May, 1976
R. W. Brother James 0. Wood, Senior Warden, gave several explanations on the second degree lecture and how we can apply these lessons to our lives.

September, 1976
Lodge enjoys special program "This is my Country" complete with slides to illustrate our historic heritage.

October, 1976
M. W. Brother Haskell Johns escorted to East, and spoke on Wages of Master Masons and a special gift was presented to Past Masters who were in attendance.

November, 1976
Lodge attended church clothed as Masons. V. M. Brother Don Brons paid his official visit and urged the value of young men in Masonry.

December, 1976
By-laws were changed raising the fees to $100.

Throughout the year the Lodge observed the Bi-Centennial year.

Total Membership in December - 420.