Spencer S. Compton was Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1969. He was born in Terre Haute, Indiana. He moved to Kennewick in 1946. He was Secretary of the Lodge and also served as Secretary of the Scottish Rite Bodies. He was Dad Advisor of the DeMolay and worked closely with them for several years. He has the Legion of Honor. (DeMolay)

January, 1969
V.W. Brother Oscar Hanson gave a very informative talk on “In the Beginning” admonishing Masons to promote the light of Masonry in the World.

February, 1969
V.W. Brother Charles Conrad appointed District Deputy to serve out the term of V.W. Brother Paul Sevedge, deceased.

April, 1969
State Game Department presented an education program and gave several of the brothers some special tips where to fish next Sunday on opening day. Lodge visits Episcopal Church clothed as Masons. Law and Order Committee announces program at high school auditorium to honor those men and women.

May, 1969
W. Brother Miller Jones presented a gavel to the lodge made from stone quarried from the source of the stone used by King Solomon in the building of his temple.

Special "Home Coming" Program to honor Past Presidents of Master Wardens Secretaries club was held.

October, 1969
Brother Jay Perry reported he knew each Past Master of Kennewick Lodge and offered matters of interest regarding many of them at Past Masters Night.

December, 1969
It was announced that 20 percent raise in rent is needed for operation of temple.

Total Membership, December 1969 - 471.