Joseph E. Millard was Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1940. He came to Richland in 1917. He farmed a fruit orchard in the north part of Richland until 1943 when the A.E.C. took over the entire area. He then became Superintendent of the irrigation system for the remaining areas that required irrigation water until the system was abandoned.

January 3, 1940
Joe E. Millard was installed as Worshipful Master for 1940. The Worshipful Master announced that the DeMolay would put on degree work at the meeting on February 7.

February 7, 1940
The DeMolay put on degree after lodge was closed.

April 3, 1940
Moved and seconded that a book be purchased to keep the name of the deceased. Carried.

December 18, 1940
Glen Felton was elected Worshipful Master for the year 1941.


illard G. Helm, Alvin F. Cheney, and Frederick A. Shilling.

No record of total membership.