William S. (Bill) Green was Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1932, which were trying years for -the Lodge. He was a fruit grower in the Kennewick Highlands until his retirement. He was an excellent ritualistic person and took part in most all of the work in the Lodge.

January 6, 1932
W. S. Green was installed as Worshipful Master for the year of 1932.

February 3, 1932
Brother Howorth of Wapato gave an address on the ancient land marks.

March 16, 1932
Brother Howorth of Wapato Lodge gave a very interesting talk on the Masonic Apron.

October 5, 1932
Brother E. C. Smith reported on the need for clothing for the relief Committee. A committee was appointed to contact all members of the lodge in compliance with Brother Smith's request.

October 22, 1932
This Lodge was called to order in the Ha11 of Blue Mountain Lodge #13 Walla Walla for the purpose of conducting services for Brother Vogal who was killed in an auto accident on October 19, 1932.

November 16, 1932
Brother Shanafelt spoke for the relief committee and asked for donation from the lodge. It was moved and seconded that the lodge donate $10 to the Community Chest and the money be used for local relief only. Carried.
Brother MacMahon reported that card tables could be obtained for $1.

December 7, 1932

This being Past Master's night, the Past Masters put on a Master Masons Degree.

No record of new members or total membership of the Lodge.