Harold G. Fyfe was Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1931. He was owner and operator of a general Insurance Agency in Kennewick until his death. He was active in the development of the Kennewick Irrigation District and worked very hard with the people in Washington D.C. for this cause.

January 5, 1931
Joint installation was held with O.E.S.  H. G. Fyfe was installed as Worshipful Master.

January 7, 1931
Moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to investigate the old minutes in reference to the fund that was to be raised to purchase in library. Carried.

January 21, 1931
James Clements, James Johnston, L. E. Johnston, Fred Watson, Ebb Steffield, and J. F. Perry, who were charter members, were escorted to the East and honored. The following lodges were represented: Yakima, Pasco, Walla Walla, Milton and Spokane.

February 4, 1931
The Library committee found that on September 1, 1920, there was created a fund of $2 for each candidate that was made a Master Mason. Since then, there have been 79 raised. Library Committee was formed, putting the Stewards in charge of the library.

March 4, 1931
Secretary instructed to draw a warrant for $158 for the Library fund.

October 31, 1931
Moved and seconded that the Lodge authorize the trustees to donate such an amount as they think advisable to be used for charity.

December 2, 1931
The Library Committee reported that they had received 13 books.

Raised - 3:
Eugene L. Spaulding, Harry N. Hampton, and Ralph L. Carpenter.

Affiliated - 1:
George H. Tillberg

Reinstated - 1:
Benjamin Pinckney

Demitted - 2:
Robert L. Banta and James Dague

Dropped for  NPD - 8.

Total Membership - 128      Loss of 6.