C. A. Crawford, the 22nd Master, came to Kennewick in 1911 and served for many years as agent for the Northern Pacific Railroad. He served as mayor of Kennewick in 1935 -1936. He was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason. He was active in the youth groups and Eastern Star.

January 19, 1927
Moved and seconded that the Lodge donate $10 to American Legion for Christmas committee.

February 2, 1927
A committee was appointed to investigate the renting of the upper floor of City Hall building.

February 16, 1927
The committee on renting the second floor of the City Hall made a report. After discussion, it was moved and seconded that the committee be instructed to work out the details of the proposed renting of the building.

May 4, 1927
Moved and seconded that $15 be donated from trust fund for relief of flood victims to be read as $25 donated to flood victims, approved as amended.

September 21, 1927
The Worshipful Master reported that the City has signed the lease for the upper floor of the building. Moved and instructed that the Lodge officers sign the lease. Motion carried.

September 27, 1927
A communication from the Klu Klux Klan was read wanting to rent the hall. The Master replied that the committee from Blue Lodge and Lodge of Perfection had decided not to rent the hall until a Masonic Temple Association was formed.

October 5, 1927
A report was made stating the cost of the leasing the upper floor of the City Hall will be $35 per month for five years and $40 per month for one year. Total $2,580.00.

October 19, 1927
Brother Van Patton, Past Grand Master of Washington, was introduced and given Grand Honors. The Worshipful Master announced the celebration of our new Lodge room would take the form of a Past Masters' Night. Brother Mark M. Moulton was installed as Worshipful Master.

November 16, 1927
Letter from Mrs. Siegfried, Chairman of the milk fund, asking for a donation of $10 for milk fund at Washinqton School was read. Moved and seconded that we donate the $10.

December 21, 1927
Moved and seconded the Lodge donate $15 to charity. Moved and seconded the Worshipful Master appoint a committee to assist the present committee to form a Masonic Association. Master appointed Charles Bentley, Art Brownell and E. C. Smith. Worshipful Master announced December 28 as installation night and that it would be for Blue Lodge members only.

December 28, 1927

A special meeting was called for the purpose of electing new officers. Frank Beste was elected Worshipful Master.


Raised -1.        Total Membership, 126. Loss -1.