Mark M. Moulton was Worshipful Master of Kennewick Lodqe in 1917. He was a 33rd Degree Honorary Scottish Rite Mason. He served in the Washington State legislature for two terms. He was the foremost attorney on irrigation matters in the Pacific Northwest for many years.

February 7, 1917
Discussion on purchase of electric sign so Brothers would know when the Lodge was meeting. There was discussion on need and purchase of pillows. A broom was purchased at cost of 75 cents.

February 13, 1917
Motion by Brother W. L. Craver that no smoking be allowed in the Lodge Hall. Carried.

March 9, 1917
Motion by Joseph H. Siegfried that Lodge purchase "Square and Compass." Carried. Motion by A. E. Krass that Lodge purchase more "Ballot" balls and reline a Ballot box. Carried. Motion by W. L. Craver that Secretary purchase Middle Chamber “pillows" for $36. Carried.

May 2, 1917
Motion by J. W. Vickers that committee purchase a lantern and slides.

September 19, 1917
Lodge voted to purchase a slipper.

October 17, 1917
Lodge paid for lantern and slides $77. Brother J. W. Vickers moved that Secretary purchase "tablet" to be placed on wall to honor the Brothers who went to war. Their dues will be dispensed with until the war is over. Carried.

November 9, 1917
Secretary instructed to send notices to Brothers in arrears and to pay up or give reasons why they could not. If Brother was not more than three years "in the rears" and would pay six months dues it would hold him for another year.

December 2, 1917
Donation to the "Boys in France" $10 and ten boxes of apples.

December 27, 1917
Joint installation with Eastern Star held. Charles Florine Installed as Worshipful Master.

John A. Brog, Collie Tillery, Melvin S. Lewis, J. Roby Agers, Adolf  J. Wold, James McKenzie, John 0. Cleve, Manley B. Haynes.

Total Membership - 87.           Total Raised -8.