Dr. Frank M. Crosby, M.D. moved to Kennewick in 1904 and lived here until 1922 when he moved to California. He established a hospital on the present site of 4th and Vancouver. He was active in civic affairs the Scottish Rite. He was Worshipful Master in 1912.

January 17, 1912
Brother F. M. Crosby was installed as Worshipful Master.
May 15, 1912
Request read from B. Conway that dues in 1910, 1911 and 1912 be returned, charging that same were paid by Mrs. Conway without his knowledge.
June 5, 1912
By vote of Lodge, the Royal Neighbors were allowed to rent the hall two nights per month at $5 per month.
December 4, 1912
Secretary was instructed to notify Bob Hammell, the janitor, that his bill was to be reduced $30 and that his services are no longer needed.
December 18, 1912
Officers elected for 1913, Edwin M. Angell, Worshipful Master. Installation of officers to be first Saturday in January. Worshipful Master-Elect to communicate with order of Eastern Star about joint installation.

Charles A. Florine

Total Membership - 50.